Not A Fitness Post

This post is going to be more of a love letter to my wife. I am not a touchy feely kind of person, and if you knew me you would find what I’m about to say as rather funny. The running joke in my family is I have no heart. Whether this is due to my years in law enforcement or the military I’m not sure. I am definitely trying to turn over a new leaf.

What brings this all about is I was watching a movie today and it was a ‘romance’ movie. Why I watched it I have no idea. Must be something to do with the deployment and just generally missing my wife. I know the jokes will come and I am ok with it, we as men don’t always have to be strong and pretend we don’t have feelings. I’ve been down that path and it never ended well for me in the long run.

Anyway, to continue my wife and I have been married now for 9 years and we are genuinely happy and in love with each other. This is not to say we don’t have periods where we are not upset at each other. Nor does it mean we’ve had an easy marriage. What it does mean is through all of our struggles we never gave up on a promise we made to each other.

A little background, we had both been previously married and both had gotten married very young. We both have children from our previous spouses and the baggage that goes along with it. In our 9 years if she wasn’t in court with her ex then I was. However, this has died down in the last 4-5 years thank goodness. But the threat is ever present and good communication skills is definitely required in those times.

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To continue on all my wonderful traits, I have been known to not only not have a soul, I have a brash personality and have not been very successful at certain companies over the long run. I typically end up telling my boss what is on my mind, and it never ends up working out well for me. While these posts seem very therapeutic I seem to think I am only ever really good at pointing out the negatives about myself. Well, while I may have a disdain for poor leadership my brash personality hasn’t translated over into my military career which I find interesting. This could be there are far more serious implications in the military, so I guess self preservation wins out in that scenario.

Anyway, the point of this is to say that while we’ve had problems in the past we never once called it quits on each other. No matter how angry she was with me, or I with her I always knew she was behind me. No matter what decision I made good or bad she was there.

To bring some more context to the last statement my wife is 9 years older than me, thus having a bit more life experience she knew what I was doing was wrong but she allowed me to learn and grow as a husband and father. I am forever indebted to her for that. Also, no matter how self-sufficient she is she always let me feel like I was the man of the house.

While this may fly in the face of some I think it is imperative to let the man be just that. As my wife she has been my trustiest adviser and we have gone down many paths together. What I think I’ve brought to our marriage is a never ending stream of support. No matter what she wanted to do I was always there encouraging her and telling her she could do it.

Even if she failed I was there to pick her up and tell her to keep going. The bond that is created inside of a marriage is something very hard to explain. I guess my point in the ramble is that I love her and I hope she knows it even if I don’t know how to action it. I tried to show it the other day with a Facebook post of a video I made, you can see it on my Page along with some other funny clips. Or I guess right below as well whichever is easier.

If you’re interested in keeping your marriage fresh watch this Video.

Thank you for reading my rambling thoughts, I hope I’ve brought a little joy to your day.


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