When You’re Away

Tonight I was talking with my wife and she was having a particularly rough morning. It was obvious through her tonality. This is particularly difficult for me as I want to help her with the problem. However, I think tonight my attempting to “Fix” was really not working for me.

She was frustrated and I was becoming frustrated the more I tried to help and nothing was coming of it. I know she is under a lot of pressure with her business and all I wanted to do was help. However, I’m almost certain I made it worse. I really hate that I wasn’t there to at least try to comfort her.

On the flip side to that it was probably best that I wasn’t home because as we both got more and more frustrated I wouldn’t just leave if I were home. At least being apart all I had to do was get off the phone and let her be for a little while. If I were home I probably would have been all over her problem like white on rice, and if would have most definitely cause at least a little fight.

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Over the years and the difficult situations my wife and I have been through we really don’t have a whole lot of ‘fights’. I would call them more of disagreements or arguments. I think we’ve gotten a lot of our rip roaring fights out of the way, at least I pray they are. I’m almost certain that we’ll get into some sort of crazy fight now because I just jinxed it.

Hopefully, that isn’t the case but you never know. I know I will be home soon and I will be able to comfort her. It is just the time I’m away is becoming frustrating. She expressed her desire for me to come home and boy I feel the same way. I am glad that this deployment is coming to an end relatively soon. However, not soon enough for me.

I am very glad that I have the ability to call her most everyday. I couldn’t imagine if I wasn’t able to call her as frequently. I know she struggles with my absence as much as I do but at least we have our phone calls.

The advent of video calling is nothing short of a miracle for me. What is even more awesome is there are a plethora of apps that have that function, if you don’t have a iPhone. I can see her her pretty little face at night before I go to bed, which is definitely a plus.

I am truly grateful you’ve taken the time to read my diatribe. Thank you for stopping by. I look forward to many more posts.

In an effort to show how much I truly love my wife check out Not A Fitness Post.
