Game Day Mens Review

My wife was at the esthetician show in Las Vegas, NV a couple of weeks back. She was there promoting her Make-Up Line however, she seemed to find some down time. In this down time she ran across a young man promoting his line of shaving creams Game Day.

So I’ve been a partaker in The Art of Shaving products for about a year or so and I’m honestly very pleased with their product. However, as most men know their wife knows best so she purchased the product for me. Remember, I am in the Middle East as of right now so I really didn’t have a whole lot of say in the matter.

Well honestly I wasn’t really expecting much, I thought my wife heard this young mans story and bought the product based on that. However, the last time my wife got roped into buying something, I ended up becoming a Promoter in the company. I fell in love with the product from this company I’d never heard of Le-Vel, to which I pronounced level.

Anyway, she finally got around to sending the package to me caulk full of my supply of Le-Vel and this new shaving cream line. I honestly put it off for a day thinking I have plenty of my other stuff that I like why do I need to change now.

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Well, tonight I decided was as good a night as any to try it. I opened up all the little packages, my wife ensured it was packed very tightly and in zip locks in case they decided to explode on their plane ride over.

She had purchased the pre-shave, the shampoo, the shave cream, and the after shave. I figured it cost me a fortune but none the less I am going to be positive and know that Amber (my wife) knows what is best.

First, the shampoo, it comes in a nice container with a twist pump, which is very handy when your walking a distance and everything is smashed into a little bag. I pumped some into my hand nothing different than any other shampoo. It smelled nice and lathered up in my hair and rinsed out very nicely. I guess as far as I’m concerned it was a success.

After I finished up showering I decided to begrudgingly use the shaving equipment she had so kindly purchased. I set up  all the equipment on the sink and prepared myself for a surely terrible shaving experience or so I thought.

Now I do use a facial scrub prior to shaving I typically use one from my Amber’s line but I guess I’m not getting that while I’m deployed. However, the pre-shave from Game Day has a facial scrub in it. So I was rather pleased with that. I scrubbed my face vigorously as I normally do. However, there is something in the pre-shave that is very hot. It wasn’t irritating I just wasn’t ready for it.

I washed my now hot face with the screaming hot water from the shower trailer, more on the screaming hot water here,  It’s The Little Things I Miss. Now I was ready for the shaving cream itself.

Like I’ve said I’ve been using the Art of Shaving for some time so I have the nice little brush with the stand and have come accustomed to needing that. However, with this new brand I did not need it. It went on very nicely and I didn’t need a lot, which was really nice. Again I still don’t know how much all this stuff cost…

After shaving I used the after shave as directed, 1 pump in the palm of my hand, rubbed my hands together and applied to my face. It was not hot as it didn’t seem to have any alcohol in it. Thank God because my face is still hot from the pre-shave.

My overall opinion on the product was it is a very nice line and I will continue to use it. I am not affiliated with Game Day or The Art of Shaving, I just really enjoy a nice shaving experience. I’ve been in positions almost my entire Adult life where I have to shave everyday. Well needless to say my face become irritated very quickly if the product I’m using is cheap. Even worse if I have a dull blade.

I may buy from this company again in the future I have not decided but overall a solid 4 out of 5 stars from me. Not that it matters, but if you decided to try it please leave a comment and let me know what you think of it.

Oh by the way my face stopped being hot in about 5 minutes of entering an actually air conditioned room. I forgot to tell you at the time of my experience it was still 108 degrees and the A/C in the shower trailer was broken.

A very happy Chris with a clean and shaved face, insert smiley face.

Thank you for your time, I look forward to your comments.
