Hip Mobility And Squats

Hip mobility is one of the most important things you can maintain. Through my years of lifting I never really thought about stretching. I just went about my day squatting heavier and heavier.

Well this went on for a while I was really into powerlifting and wanting to be as strong as I could. I deadlifted 525lb with the most disgusting form but I got it up. You can watch it in this Video clip. Simultaneously, I was training my squat for heavy singles, here is an example Video.

The only problem was I wasn’t working on my mobility in any fashion. I was getting tighter and tighter and just dealing with it. Well, the time came and I ended falling apart so to speak.

I found that I was struggling to even deadlift 225lb without pain. I couldn’t squat anything over 185lb without issue.

So here I am today a little demotivated that I don’t have the same numbers. However, I know with time I will improve once again. I started over with all my weights and I’m currently working on my weak spots e.g. Hamstrings.

Right now I am in the process of rebuilding my strength and learning this thing called mobility. I say that jokingly and I’ve know about it for a while I just never did anything with it.

Speaking on the hip flexors I found a great product that will help you regain mobility in your hip flexors. You can check it out Here if you’re interested in the product.

If you enjoyed this article don’t forget to leave a comment. I would love to write about the issues or questions you have in regard to lifting and dieting.

As always train hard and stay motivated.
